Best-selling author, Award-winning TV producer, Podcaster, Dog Lover

Best-selling author, Award-winning TV producer, Podcaster, Dog Lover

#8 Fastest Finger First

Back in 1999, fresh out of university, I got my big break in telly. As a clueless 20-nothing, I was hired by a production company to devise new ideas for Noel Edmonds to pitch to the BBC. I know, it’s another blog all of its own, but I’m not going there (I signed an NDA). Suffice it to say, I started the job in July and Noel ‘resigned’ from the Beeb in a media storm in August. So much for my big break.

A lot in TV depends on timing. You pitch the right show, at the right time, and it’ll take off, making millions for the elusive French owner of your super-indie. Bake-Off was first pitched in 1843 – it took the BBC a while to decide it was proofed, that people were ready. Viewers have to be primed; they have to be in the right mindset, mired in the zeitgeist.

Which brings me to Quiz, the drama of the ‘coughing major’ who famously won the top prize on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?, was accused of cheating and taken to court. Since I was starting my stint in telly around the same time, I was interested in this in a professional capacity, and enjoyed the portrayal of the creative process as men in suits pointing at whiteboards and saying ‘that’s it!’ As someone who worked in development for 20 years, that’s never it. There’s always another run-through, another treatment, another exec sticking his oar in, another presenter having a tantrum.

There is much to admire in Quiz. Mainly, Sian Clifford’s extraordinary resemblance to Charles Ingram’s wife Diana, and Michael Sheen’s extraordinary performance as Chris Tarrant. I also developed a show for Chris Tarrant, and let me tell you, -*REDACTED*- and then he-*REDACTED*- which meant we had to -*REDACTED*-

Anyway, Michael is incredible. That adenoidal delivery, the rictus grin, the baked-sourdough hue of his skin – it’s uncanny. He’s having a ball, and it shows. The whole spectacle is fun – fast and loud, like a big shiny floor quiz. As an entertainment show, it really works. As a drama, not so much.

Firstly, we already know pretty much everything that happened. In The Crown, I don’t mind that so much, as my knowledge has gaps that have to be filled with constant references to Wikipedia, and in the meantime there are nice dresses to look at. But I already know everything I want to know about the coughing major, and early noughties fashion is awful. Secondly, despite the million pounds, there’s something so low stakes about it all. It’s just a lot of posh white people squabbling, and I don’t really care about any of it. I don’t care about David Liddiment’s share price or Chris Tarrant’s career, or Diana Ingram’s brother’s business. Finally, when it comes to coughing, there’s a much bigger drama going on at the moment, full of real jeopardy, and scheduling of this series throws that into sharp relief.

Like I said, TV is all about timing.

  • Quiz, ITV, 13-15 April